About sosolife.
so… um… Welcome to my blog – sosolife!
I’ve decided to start a blog to share small pleasures of my life. The word soso is a Korean adjective. It means small, simple. I wanted to add a bit of Korean-ness to the name of my blog. So, sosolife, it is.
There are so many small moments in my everyday life that bring joy. Some may not be that small. Whatever they are, I want to share them here in hopes of bringing a bit of light to your day, too – I will do this one post at a time. Along the way, I hope to share helpful tips and insights that I stumble upon. I also want to share my story whenever possible…!
I am a Korean-Canadian living in Vancouver in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.
I’ve never really been active on social media. I’m not a good writer. I don’t know how to write good blog posts. I am just going to write.
This part of my life is called… the blog writing era.
you know you love me, xox……. nevermind