BTS (not that BTS) ⇾ FINALLY I get to POST! I spent 5 days ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ trying to figure out how to fill the full width of the screen. I googled and googled and googled… asked numerous questions on chatgpt without success… I tried everything that I could do with my extremely limited CSS knowledge (I don’t even know what ‘CSS’ stands for – that is how much I know about it) using the resource, the only resource, I have: an entry level book. Anyway, I stumbled upon the long-sought answer to my query when I clicked on something accidentally. I guess it is true that the best way to find something is to stop looking for it.
coffee at a cozy corner store
I have a pretty, tall neighbour friend with whom I love to explore and spend $$$ on a coffee and/or tea and pastries on a regular basis. We then spend HOURS chatting about literally everything and anything. The unspoken rule on a new cafe discovery day is one pastry for the two of us, a tea latte for her and a latte or a tea latte (depending on the day) for me.
One gloomy, wet, typical Vancouver kind of weather day, my friend and I went to a coffee store in this cute neighbourhood in Vancouver called Mount Pleasant, not expecting much other than that it must be a pretty cool place based on the photos on Google.

The store is called the Federal Store and is located at 📍2601 Quebec Street, Vancouver. It is on one street south to W Broadway. There are 2 hour free parking spaces and paid street parking available around the store.
According to the photos on Google search, it looked like they sold some food, groceries and coffee. The interior looked interesting. We were curious. So we went.
The store blends so well in this neighbourhood. It gives off an autumn vibe. It’s a store that goes so well with fall. The inside of the store is cozy. It is fun to explore – everything in the store was so cute. I don’t know if it’s the way they were displayed or the products there were actually unique or if it’s just (you know what I mean).
We looked around the cozy shop full of interesting things. Before getting what we came for, we took lots of photos to… to…remember every bit of this cozy place but more importantly to share on ig the selected few aesthetic photos out of many.
This shop of everything happened to carry adorable, witty greeting cards. I love shopping for cute greeting cards filled filled with/out wit. I ended up buying one (of course) for a future occasion for somebody who would in agreement with me on the point of “cuteness”. The cover of the card I bought had illustrations instant noodle packets and it read “sending you instant birthday cheer”. How clever!

The inside of the store was cozy and had a few tables. We sat outside to enjoy (?) the gloomy weather cause we liked the ambiance outside. The colors of the climbing plants🍃 (red, brown, orange, yellow, green) really do beautify the outdoor space and they go well with the vibe of the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood. My friend liked the vibe here so much that she went back for another cup of London fog shortly after!

They sell food like avocado toast, breakfast biscuit, grilled cheese sandwich, veggie sandwich, creamy tomato soup etc. The price is pretty reasonable, I think. It ranges between $7.25 for toast & spread and $14.75 the most expensive item on the menu roast chicken & apple sandwich. As for drinks, they have brew coffee for $3,25, cortado for $4.50, flat white for $4.75, latte for $5.00 and many more including my friend and my all-time favourite drink, london fog 🍵They had some pastries. I forget which😅, but they all looked good. The service here is excellent.

밴쿠버 마운트 프레젠트에 위치한 안팍으로 갬성 넘치는 federal store 이라는 카페를 소개합니다-!
슈퍼마켓에 가면 생활에 필요한 물건들 및 식품들이 있죠. 이곳엔 구매하기 애매하지만 신기하고 귀여운 아이템들이 많기에 코지한 슈퍼마켓인 것 같기도 하고 아닌 것 같기도 한 슈퍼마켓 카페입니다. 킨토 브랜드 텀블러도 팔고 흔하지 않은 귀엽고 위트있는 그리팅 카드들도 있습니다 ㅎㅎ 저는 이것저것 구경하는 것을 좋아하는데 그중 귀여운 그림과 함께 위트있는 카드들 구경하는 것을 정말 좋아합니다. 그래서 이 카페에 들어갔을 때 재밌게 둘러봤습니다.
가을이 굉장히 잘 어울리는 이 동네에 있는 이 카페 또한 가을향🍂을 풍깁니다. 베이지색의 트렌치코트를 입고 커피 한잔하며 책을 읽어야만 할 것 은 이 카페엔 아보카도 토스트, 치킨샌드위치 등 음식과 함께 커피 아님 티와 먹으면 맛있는 다양한 페이스츄리들이 있습니다! 가격은… 비싸다고 생각하지는 않았으니 적당한 것 같습니다. 저랑 친구는 여느때와 같이 따뜻한 런던포그 한잔+따듯한 라떼 한잔+그리고 이름은 생각이 나지 않는 페이스츄리를 시켜먹었습니다. 정말 맛있었는데 이름은 기억속에서 영영 사라져버렸습니다 띠로리..ㅠㅠ 겉은 바-삭하고 빵위에 자두였는지 사과였는지가 올라가있는 그 빵!그 페이스츄리를 한 입 베어 먹던 순간을 다시 상상하며 포스트에 올린 사진을 보니 침이 고이네요… 친절한 직원분들께서 정성껏 만들어 주신 런던포그와 라떼는 비쥬얼도! 맛도! 제 마음 쏙 들게 깔끔했습니다!!
갬성 카페 그.잡.채. Federal Store ☕️ 재방문 의사 완전 있습니다 ✔️

ヾ(゚εÅ) βyё βyё☆彡